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Modelos ajustables

Modelos con coeficientes ajustables o paramétricos

Los modelos LTI generalizados ajustables representan sistemas que tienen coeficientes fijos y ajustables (o paramétricos). Utilice los bloques Control Design para representar componentes ajustables de su sistema de control. Combínelos con modelos LTI numéricos para crear modelos LTI generalizados ajustables. Para ver un ejemplo, consulte Control System with Tunable Components.

Puede utilizar modelos LTI generalizados ajustables para:

  • Modelar un componente ajustable (o paramétrico) de un sistema de control, como un filtro paso bajo ajustable.

  • Modelar un sistema de control que contenga:

    • Componentes fijos, como la dinámica de la planta y la dinámica de los sensores

    • Componentes ajustables, como los filtros y los compensadores

  • Ajustar sistemas de control para diseñar los objetivos que especifique, con comandos de ajuste como systune o la app Control System Tuner.


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tunableGainTunable static gain block
tunablePIDTunable PID controller
tunablePID2Tunable two-degree-of-freedom PID controller
tunableSSTunable fixed-order state-space model
tunableTFTunable transfer function with fixed number of poles and zeros
realpReal tunable parameter
AnalysisPointPoints of interest for linear analysis
genssGeneralized state-space model
genfrdGeneralized frequency response data (FRD) model
genmatGeneralized matrix with tunable parameters


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getLoopTransferOpen-loop transfer function of control system represented by genss model
getIOTransferClosed-loop transfer function from generalized model of control system
getSensitivitySensitivity function from generalized model of control system
getCompSensitivityComplementary sensitivity function from generalized model of control system
getPointsGet list of analysis points in generalized model of control system
replaceBlockReplace or update control design blocks in generalized model
sampleBlockSample Control Design blocks in generalized model
rsampleBlockRandomly sample Control Design blocks in generalized model
getValueCurrent value of generalized model
setValueModify current value of control design block
getBlockValueGet current value of Control Design Block in Generalized Model
setBlockValueModify value of Control Design Block in Generalized Model
showBlockValueDisplay current values of Control Design Blocks in Generalized Model
showTunableDisplay current value of tunable Control Design Blocks in Generalized Model
nblocksNumber of control design blocks in generalized LTI model or generalized matrix
getLFTModelDecompose generalized LTI model
