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Differentiate cfit or sfit object



Use these syntaxes for cfit objects.

fx = differentiate(FO, X) differentiates the cfit object FO at the points specified by the vector X and returns the result in fx.

[fx, fxx] = differentiate(FO, X) differentiates the cfit object FO at the points specified by the vector X and returns the result in fx and the second derivative in fxx.



Use these syntaxes for sfit objects.

[fx, fy] = differentiate(FO, X, Y) differentiates the surface FO at the points specified by X and Y and returns the result in fx and fy.

FO is a surface fit (sfit) object generated by the fit function.

X and Y must be double-precision arrays and the same size and shape as each other.

All return arguments are the same size and shape as X and Y.

If FO represents the surface z=f(x,y), then FX contains the derivatives with respect to x, that is, dfdx, and FY contains the derivatives with respect to y, that is, dfdy.

[fx, fy] = differentiate(FO, [X, Y]), where X and Y are column vectors, allows you to specify the evaluation points as a single argument.

[fx, fy, fxx, fxy, fyy] = differentiate(FO, ...) computes the first and second derivatives of the surface fit object FO.

fxx contains the second derivatives with respect to x, that is, 2fx2.

fxy contains the mixed second derivatives, that is, 2fxy.

fyy contains the second derivatives with respect to y, that is, 2fy2.


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Create a baseline sinusoidal signal.

xdata = (0:.1:2*pi)';
y0 = sin(xdata);

Add response-dependent Gaussian noise to the signal.

noise = 2*y0.*randn(size(y0)); 											
ydata = y0 + noise;

Fit the noisy data with a custom sinusoidal model.

f = fittype('a*sin(b*x)');
fit1 = fit(xdata,ydata,f,'StartPoint',[1 1]);

Find the derivatives of the fit at the predictors.

[d1,d2] = differentiate(fit1,xdata);

Plot the data, the fit, and the derivatives.

plot(fit1,xdata,ydata) % cfit plot method
plot(xdata,d1,'m') % double plot method
grid on
legend('1st derivative')
plot(xdata,d2,'c') % double plot method
grid on
legend('2nd derivative')

Figure contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with xlabel x, ylabel y contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Data, Fitted curve. Axes object 2 contains an object of type line. This object represents 1st derivative. Axes object 3 contains an object of type line. This object represents 2nd derivative.

You can also compute and plot derivatives directly with the cfit plot method, as follows:


Figure contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with xlabel x, ylabel y contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Data, Fitted curve. Axes object 2 with xlabel x contains an object of type line. This object represents First derivative. Axes object 3 with xlabel x contains an object of type line. This object represents Second derivative.

The plot method, however, does not return data on the derivatives, unlike the differentiate method.

You can use the differentiate method to compute the gradients of a fit and then use the quiver function to plot these gradients as arrows. This example plots the gradients over the top of a contour plot.

Create the derivation points and fit the data.

x = [0.64;0.95;0.21;0.71;0.24;0.12;0.61;0.45;0.46;...
y = [0.42;0.84;0.83;0.26;0.61;0.58;0.54;0.87;0.26;...
z = [0.49;0.051;0.27;0.59;0.35;0.41;0.3;0.084;0.6;...
fo = fit( [x, y], z, 'poly32', 'normalize', 'on' );
[xx, yy] = meshgrid( 0:0.04:1, 0:0.05:1 );

Compute the gradients of the fit using the differentiate function.

[fx, fy] = differentiate( fo, xx, yy );

Use the quiver function to plot the gradients.

plot( fo, 'Style', 'Contour' );
hold on
h = quiver( xx, yy, fx, fy, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2 );
hold off
colormap( copper )

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type contour, quiver.

If you want to use derivatives in an optimization, you can, for example, implement an objective function for fmincon as follows.

function [z, g, H] = objectiveWithHessian( xy )

% The input xy represents a single evaluation point

z = f( xy );

if nargout > 1

[fx, fy, fxx, fxy, fyy] = differentiate( f, xy );

g = [fx, fy];

H = [fxx, fxy; fxy, fyy];



Input Arguments

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Function to differentiate, specified as a cfit object for curves or as a sfit object for surfaces.

Points at which to differentiate the function, specified as a vector. For surfaces, this argument must have the same size and shape of Y.

Points at which to differentiate the function, specified as a vector. For surfaces, this argument must have the same size and shape of X.

Output Arguments

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First derivative of the function, returned as a vector of the same size and shape of X and Y.

If FO is a surface, z=f(x,y), then fx contains the derivatives with respect to x.

Second derivative of the function, returned as a vector of the same size and shape of X and Y.

If FO is a surface, z=f(x,y), then fxx contains the second derivatives with respect to x.

First derivative of the function, returned as a vector of the same size and shape of X and Y.

If FO is a surface, z=f(x,y), then fy contains the derivatives with respect to y.

Second derivative of the function, returned as a vector of the same size and shape of X and Y.

If FO is a surface, z=f(x,y), then fyy contains the second derivatives with respect to y.

Mixed second derivative of the function, returned as a vector of the same size and shape of X and Y.


For library models with closed forms, the toolbox calculates derivatives analytically. For all other models, the toolbox calculates the first derivative using the centered difference quotient


where x is the value at which the toolbox calculates the derivative, Δx is a small number (on the order of the cube root of eps), f(x+Δx) is fun evaluated at x+Δx, and f(xxΔ) is fun evaluated at xΔx.

The toolbox calculates the second derivative using the expression


The toolbox calculates the mixed derivative for surfaces using the expression


Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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