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Install License Manager on Virtual Machine

Install the network license manager on a virtual machine for use with Amazon® Web Services (AWS) or Azure® using a reference architecture.

This procedure consists of two steps: setting up the license manager and setting up the machine running MATLAB®.

Step 1. Set Up License Manager

  1. A security group must be added or changed to open the license manager ports inbound.

  2. For AWS, the license manager must be in the same Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) as MATLAB. For Azure, the license manager must be in the same Virtual Network (VNET).

  3. Obtain a static MAC address.

    To host the license manager in the cloud, you must have a static address:

    • Azure: When you create a virtual network, the virtual network MAC address is retained even when the virtual machine is in the deallocated state. See Azure Virtual Network FAQ.

    • AWS: Use an Elastic Network Interface (ENI), which contains a static MAC address attribute. See Elastic Network Interfaces.

      When you delete cloud resources, you also delete the static MAC address. Changing the static MAC address in MathWorks License Center is limited to four times per year.

  4. Deactivate and then activate license.

    1. Deactivate license: If this license has been activated previously, you must deactivate the license first. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

      1. Go to License Center and click the license that you want to deactivate.

      2. Go to the Install and Activate tab.

      3. Click the Activation Label.

      4. Click Deactivate.

    2. Activate license using the static MAC address.

      1. Click on the license to activate

      2. Go to the Install and Activate tab.

      3. Click Activate to Retrieve License File.

      4. Under Host ID, enter static MAC address.

      5. Click Continue when you have completed all fields.

  5. Download the license file provided with activation onto the server machine in folder $MATLAB/licenses, where $MATLAB is your MATLAB root.

  6. Install the network license manager following the instructions Install License Manager on License Server, using the virtual machine instead of a license server.

  7. See Start Network License Manager.

Step 2. Set Up Virtual Machine Running MATLAB

These instructions assume you have already installed MATLAB on the virtual machine.

  1. Disable online licensing.

    On the client machine, find license_info.xml and rename it to something else. License files are generally located in $MATLAB/licenses, where $MATLAB is the MATLAB root.

  2. Create license file that points to the server.

    1. Open the network license file (license.dat) on the server.

    2. Copy the SERVER line into a new text file.

    3. Beneath it, add USE_SERVER. The file should now look something like this:

      SERVER Server1 0123abcd0123 12345
    4. Save the new text file as network.lic in folder $MATLAB/licenses, where $MATLAB is your MATLAB root.

  3. Verify that the license is pointing to the server correctly by running MATLAB.

You have completed this procedure. Contact Support if you require additional assistance.

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