Los proyectos pueden ayudarlo a organizar su trabajo y a colaborar. Utilice proyectos para buscar los archivos necesarios para ejecutar su código, administrar y compartir archivos y configuraciones, e interactuar con sistemas de control de fuentes. Para obtener más información acerca de los proyectos, consulte Create Projects y vea Uso de proyectos para colaborar, registrar y fusionar cambios y realizar revisiones de código (4 min, 50 s).
No todas las funcionalidades de proyectos están disponibles en MATLAB® Online™.
Dependency Analyzer | Visualize dependencies, find required files, and assess the impact of changes (desde R2023a) |
- Create Projects
Create projects in MATLAB to organize and share your work with others.
- Manage Project Files
Add, move, rename, and open project files and folders.
- Componentize Large Projects
Organize large projects using referenced projects.
- Share Projects
Package and share projects as zip files, by email, as a toolbox, or by making it publicly available on a connected source control tool.
- Check for Compatibility Issues Using Project Upgrade
Check for compatibility issues or upgrade your project to the current MATLAB release.
- Analyze Project Dependencies
Find required files for a whole project or for specified files, resolve problems, and control options for add-ons and incremental analysis.
- Use Source Control with Projects
Update, commit, merge changes, and view revision history directly from the project environment.
- Clone Remote Git Repository into New Project
Clone a remote Git™ repository to create a local copy of a project.
- Identify and Run Tests in MATLAB Projects
Identify and run tests in MATLAB projects.
- Determine Order for Resolving Conflicts Using Dependency Analyzer
Use the Dependency Analyzer to determine the resolve merge conflicts order in a project.
- Continuous Integration Using MATLAB Projects and Jenkins
Set up your project for CI in Jenkins® and reduce test suite runtime using dependency cache.