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Systems Engineering

Design, analyze, and test system and software architectures

For systems engineering, use System Composer™ to model architectures and component behaviors that represent and simulate your system. The workflow in System Composer involves capturing stakeholder needs into system-level requirements and then using them to drive your architectural design. With System Composer, you can:

  • Compose an architecture model with components, ports, and connectors.

  • Extend the modeling language to capture metadata and style the architectural elements using stereotypes.

  • Define data, physical, or client-server interfaces on ports and use connectors to describe component interaction.

  • Capture component interface, including port interfaces and parameters.

  • Generate architecture views by using filters based on elements or property values.

  • Represent your system in a sequence diagram to describe system behavior as a sequence of interactions.

  • Establish directed relationships between functional, logical, and physical architectures using allocations.

  • Describe and validate system behavior by allocating an activity diagram element to an architecture model element.

  • Perform analyses and trade studies to optimize your architectural design.

By adding Requirements Toolbox™, you can define functional and design requirements and link them to System Composer components and ports. Use Requirements Toolbox together with Simulink® Test™ to automatically verify requirements by creating links to test cases. Simulink, Stateflow®, and Simscape™ can also describe component behaviors in an architecture model.

With all of these tools, you can create, manage, and verify requirements for functional, logical, and physical architecture-level design models throughout the lifecycle of your program.


Model-Based Systems Engineering

System Architecture Modeling

Requirements and Tests

Component Behavior

Analysis, Trade Studies, and Views

Featured Examples

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