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Descriptive Statistics

Range, central tendency, standard deviation, variance, correlation

Descriptive statistics quantitatively describe features of a sample of data, such as the basic mean or standard deviation. Cumulative methods report a statistic as you move through the elements of an array. Moving methods report a statistic within a local window of array elements, then move to the next window.


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minMinimum elements of array
minkFind k smallest elements of array
maxMaximum elements of array
maxkFind k largest elements of array
boundsMinimum and maximum values of an array
meanAverage or mean value of array
medianMedian value of array
modeMost frequent values in array
stdStandard deviation
rmsRoot mean square value
prctilePercentiles of data set
quantileQuantiles of data set
iqrInterquartile range of data set
rmseRoot mean squared error between arrays (Since R2022b)
mapeMean absolute percentage error between arrays (Since R2022b)
corrcoefCorrelation coefficients
cummaxCumulative maximum
cumminCumulative minimum
movminMoving minimum
movmaxMoving maximum
movmeanMoving mean
movmedianMoving median
movmadMoving median absolute deviation
movstdMoving standard deviation
movvarMoving variance
movsumMoving sum
movprodMoving product
summaryData summary
kdeKernel density estimate for univariate data (Since R2023b)


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