An ode
object defines a system of ordinary differential equations
or differential algebraic equations to solve.
You can solve initial value problems of the form , , or problems that involve a mass matrix, .
Define aspects of the problem using properties of the ode
object, such as
, InitialTime
, and
. You can select a specific solver to use, or let
MATLAB® choose an appropriate solver based on properties of the equations. After you
create an ode
object, you can solve the equations using the
or solutionFcn
object functions.
creates an F
= odeode
with default properties.
specifies one or more property values using name-value arguments. For example, you can
specify the equations to be solved, the initial time for integration, and the value of the
solution at the initial time using the F
= ode(Name=Value
, and InitialValue
Problem Definition
— Equations to solve
function handle
Equations to solve, specified as a function handle that defines the system of differential equations to be integrated. The function handle can be an anonymous function or a handle to a named function file.
The function
dydt = ODEFcn(t,y)
, for a scalart
and a column vectory
, must return a column vectordydt
that corresponds to .ODEFcn
must accept at least two input arguments,t
, even if one of the arguments is not used in the function.The function
f = ODEFcn(t,y,yp)
, whenEquationType
and for a scalart
and column vectorsy
, must return a column vectorf
that corresponds to .ODEFcn
must accept at least three input arguments,t
, andyp
, even if one of the arguments is not used in the function. (since R2024b)
To supply parameter values, define ODEFcn
as a function that
accepts three inputs, dydt = ODEFcn(t,y,p)
, or four inputs,
f = ODEFcn(t,y,yp,p)
, and then use the
property to store parameter values (such as in a
or cell
For example, to solve a single equation , you can use the anonymous function @(t,y)
For a system of equations, the output of ODEFcn
is a vector.
Each element in the vector is the computed value of the right side of one equation.
For example, consider this system of two equations.
An anonymous function that defines these equations is @(t,y)
[y(1)+2*y(2); 3*y(1)+2*y(2)]
F.ODEFcn = @myFcn
specifies a handle to a named function file
containing the equations.
Example: F.ODEFcn = @(t,y) [y(2); -y(1)]
specifies an anonymous
function that defines a system of two equations.
Example: F.ODEFcn = @(t,y,yp) [yp(1)-y(2); yp(2)+1]
specifies an
anonymous function that defines a system of two equations.
Example: F.ODEFcn = @(t,y,p) 5*y*p(1)-3*p(2)
specifies an
anonymous function for a single equation that uses two parameters.
Data Types: function_handle
— Initial time for integration
(default) | real scalar
Initial time for integration, specified as a real scalar. The value of
is the beginning of the integration interval where
the initial conditions specified in InitialValue
are applied by
the solver before beginning integration steps.
F.InitialTime = 10;
Data Types: single
| double
— Value of solution at InitialTime
scalar | vector
Value of solution at InitialTime
, specified as a scalar or
vector. InitialValue
must be a vector with the same length as the
output of ODEFcn
so that an initial value is specified for each
equation defined in ODEFcn
. The value of
is the beginning of the integration interval where
the initial conditions specified in InitialValue
are applied by
the solver before beginning integration steps.
F.InitialValue = 1;
F.InitialValue = [1 2 3];
Data Types: single
| double
— Equation parameters
Equation parameters, specified as an array of any size or data type. The values
you store in Parameters
can be supplied to any of the functions
used for the ODEFcn
, Jacobian
, or EventDefinition
by specifying an extra input argument in the function.
For instance, you can supply parameter values stored in the
property to ODEFcn
specifying ODEFcn
as a function handle that accepts three inputs,
dydt = ODEFcn(t,y,p)
. For example, F.ODEFcn = @(t,y,p)
specifies an anonymous function for a single equation that
uses two parameters. If you then specify F.Parameters = [2 3]
, then
uses the parameter values p(1) = 2
and p(2) = 3
whenever the solver calls the function.
F.Parameters = [0.1 0.5]
specifies two parameter
— Mass matrix
object | matrix | function handle
Mass matrix, specified as an odeMassMatrix
object, matrix, or handle to a function that evaluates the
mass matrix.
objects can represent problems of the form , where is a mass matrix that can be full or sparse. The mass matrix encodes
linear combinations of derivatives on the left side of the equation.
When the mass matrix is nonsingular, the equation simplifies to and the ODE has a solution for any initial value. However, it is often more convenient and natural to express the model in terms of the mass matrix directly using , and avoiding the computation of the matrix inverse reduces the storage and execution time needed to solve the problem.
When the mass matrix is singular, then the problem is a system of differential algebraic equations (DAEs). A DAE has a solution only when the initial values are consistent; that is, you must specify the initial slope using the
property such that the initial conditions are all consistent, . If the specified initial conditions are not consistent with theInitialTime
, andMassMatrix
properties, then the solver treats them as guesses and attempts to compute consistent values for the initial slopes that are close to the guesses before continuing to solve the problem. For more information, see Solve Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs).
You can specify the value of the MassMatrix
property as:
object, which represents the mass matrix and its associated properties. You can specify whether the mass matrix is singular or has state dependence.A constant matrix with calculated values for .
A handle to a function that computes the matrix elements and that accepts two input arguments,
M = Mass(t,y)
. To give the function access to parameter values stored in theParameters
property, specify a third input argument in the function definition,M = Mass(t,y,p)
If you specify a matrix or function handle, then MATLAB converts it to an odeMassMatrix
Example: F.MassMatrix = @Mass
specifies the function
that evaluates the mass matrix.
Example: F.MassMatrix = [1 0; -2 1]
specifies a constant mass
Example: F.MassMatrix =
specifies a state-dependent mass matrix and the sparsity pattern when the mass matrix
multiplies a vector.
— Equation form
(default) | "fullyimplicit"
Since R2024b
Equation form, specified as "standard"
by default or
for implicit ODEs, that is, a system of
differential equations of the form . If you specify the Jacobian when the
property is "fullyimplicit"
the Jacobian must be a function handle or cell array.
Advanced Problem Definition
— Jacobian matrix
object | matrix | cell array | function handle
Jacobian matrix, specified as an odeJacobian
object, matrix, cell array, or handle to a function that evaluates the Jacobian. The
Jacobian is a matrix of partial derivatives of the functions that define the system of
differential equations.
For stiff ODE problems, providing information about the Jacobian matrix is critical for reliability and efficiency of the solver. If you do not provide the Jacobian, then the ODE solver approximates it numerically using finite differences.
For large systems of equations where it is not feasible to provide the entire analytic Jacobian, you can specify the sparsity pattern of the Jacobian matrix instead. The solver uses the sparsity pattern to calculate a sparse Jacobian.
You can specify the Jacobian
property as:
object, which can represent either the Jacobian matrix or its sparsity pattern.A constant matrix with calculated values for .
, a two-element cell array with calculated values for the constant Jacobian with respect toy
in the first element andyp
in the second element. If you specify one of the elements as[]
, the ODE solver approximates the corresponding Jacobian numerically while taking the provided values in the other element into account. (since R2024b)A handle to a function that computes the matrix elements and that accepts two input arguments,
dfdy = Fjac(t,y)
. To give the function access to parameter values in theParameters
property, specify a third input argument in the function definition,dfdy = Fjac(t,y,p)
, a handle to a function that computes the matrix elements and that accepts three input arguments,[dfdy,dfdp] = Fjac(t,y,yp)
. To give the function access to parameter values in theParameters
property, specify a fourth input argument in the function definition,[dfdy,dfdp] = Fjac(t,y,yp,p)
. (since R2024b)
If you specify a matrix, function handle, or cell array, then
MATLAB converts it to an odeJacobian
Example: F.Jacobian = @Fjac
specifies the function
that evaluates the Jacobian matrix.
Example: F.Jacobian = [0 1; -2 1]
specifies a constant Jacobian
Example: F.Jacobian = odeJacobian(SparsityPattern=S)
the Jacobian sparsity pattern using sparse matrix S
— Events to detect
Events to detect, specified as an odeEvent
object. Create an odeEvent
object to define expressions that trigger
an event when they cross zero. You can specify the direction of the zero crossing and
what to do when an event triggers, including the use of a callback function.
— Nonnegative solution components
scalar index | vector of indices
Nonnegative solution components, specified as a scalar index or vector of
indices. Use the NonNegativeVariables
property to specify which
solutions the solver must keep nonnegative. If dydt = ODEFcn(t,y)
then the indices correspond to elements in the vector y
. For
example, if you specify a value of 3
, then the solver keeps the
solution component y(3)
is not available for the
solver. Additionally, for ode15s
, and ode23tb
the property is not
available for problems that have a mass matrix.
Example: F.NonNegativeVariables = [1 3]
specifies that the first
and third solution components must be kept nonnegative.
Data Types: single
| double
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
— Initial value of dy/dt
Initial value of dy/dt
, specified as a vector. Use this
property with the ode15s
and ode23t
when solving DAEs. The specified vector is the initial slope such that . If the specified initial conditions are not consistent with the
, InitialValue
, and
properties, then the solver treats them as guesses
and attempts to compute consistent values for the initial slopes that are close to the
guesses before continuing to solve the problem. For more information, see Solve Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs).
Data Types: single
| double
— Sensitivity analysis information
Sensitivity analysis information, specified as an odeSensitivity
object. The ODE solver performs sensitivity analysis only when the
property is nonempty. The analysis is with respect
to the Parameters
property, which must be nonempty and numeric.
See odeSensitivity
for more information.
Example: F.Sensitivity = odeSensitivity
performs sensitivity
analysis on all parameters.
Example: F.Sensitivity = odeSensitivity(ParameterIndices=1:2)
performs sensitivity analysis on the first two parameters.
Solver Control
— Solver method
(default) | "stiff"
| "nonstiff"
| name of a solver
Solver method, specified as one of the values in this table. To change the solver
based on specified parameters after creating an ode
object, use the
function. For example, you can incorporate a stiffness
detection heuristic when selecting a solver by using the
function with its
name-value argument.
Value | Description |
| Automatically selects a solver based on available problem
information and tolerances. The |
| Similar to |
| Similar to |
| Runge-Kutta (2,3) pair. See |
| Runge-Kutta (4,5) pair. See |
| Runge-Kutta 8(7) pair with a 7th-order continuous extension. See
| Runge-Kutta 9(8) pair with an 8th-order continuous extension. See
| Variable-step, variable-order (VSVO) solver of orders 1 to 13. See
| Variable-step, variable-order (VSVO) solver based on the numerical
differentiation formulas (NDFs) of orders 1 to 5. See |
| Modified Rosenbrock formula of order 2. See |
| Trapezoidal rule using a “free” interpolant. See |
| Implicit Runge-Kutta formula with a trapezoidal rule step as its
first stage and a backward differentiation formula of order 2 as its second
stage. See |
| Variable-step, variable order (VSVO) solver based on the backward
differentiation formulas (BDFs) of orders 1 to 5. See |
| Variable-step, variable-order (VSVO) solver using Adams-Moulton formulas, with the order varying between 1 and 12. Supports sensitivity analysis. See CVODE and CVODES. |
| Variable-step, variable-order (VSVO) solver using backward differentiation formulas (BDFs) in fixed-leading coefficient form, with order varying between 1 and 5. Supports sensitivity analysis. See CVODE and CVODES. |
| Variable-order, variable-coefficient solver using backward differentiation formulas (BDFs) in fixed-leading coefficient form, with order varying between 1 and 5. Supports sensitivity analysis. See IDA and IDAS. |
— Selected solver
name of a solver
This property is read-only.
Selected solver, returned as the name of a solver. If the value of
is "auto"
, or "nonstiff"
, then the
object automatically chooses a solver and sets the value of
to the name of the chosen solver. If you
manually select a solver, then SelectedSolver
have the same value.
— Solver-specific options
Solver-specific options, specified as a matlab.ode.options.*
object. The ode
object automatically populates the
property with an options object appropriate for
the selected solver. You can check available options for an existing
object with the command
. Specify options for the ODE problem
by changing property values of the matlab.ode.options.*
object. For
example, F.SolverOptions.OutputFcn = @odeplot
specifies an output
function that the solver calls after each successful time step.
When the Solver
property is "auto"
, or "nonstiff"
, the
property is read-only.
This table summarizes the available options for each solver.
Options Object | Properties |
| |
— Absolute error tolerance
(default) | positive scalar | vector
Absolute error tolerance, specified as a positive scalar or vector. This tolerance
is a threshold below which the value of the solution becomes unimportant. If the
solution |y|
is less than AbsoluteTolerance
then the solver does not need to obtain any correct digits in |y|
For this reason, keep in mind the scale of the solution components when setting the
value of AbsoluteTolerance
If AbsoluteTolerance
is a vector, then it must be the same
length as the number of solution components. If AbsoluteTolerance
is a scalar, then the value applies to all solution components.
At each step, the ODE solver estimates the local error e
in the
th component of the solution. To be successful, the step must
have an acceptable error, as determined by both the relative and absolute error
|e(i)| <= max(RelativeTolerance*abs(y(i)),AbsoluteTolerance(i))
Data Types: single
| double
— Relative error tolerance
(default) | positive scalar
Relative error tolerance, specified as a positive scalar. This tolerance measures
the error relative to the magnitude of each solution component. The relative error
tolerance controls the number of correct digits in all solution components, except
those smaller than AbsoluteTolerance
At each step, the ODE solver estimates the local error e
in the
th component of the solution. To be successful, the step must
have an acceptable error, as determined by both the relative and absolute error
|e(i)| <= max(RelativeTolerance*abs(y(i)),AbsoluteTolerance(i))
Data Types: single
| double
Object Functions
solve | Solve ODE over interval or at specified points |
solutionFcn | Construct function that interpolates ODE solution |
selectSolver | Change ODE solver |
Solve Single ODE
Create an empty ode
object, and then specify values for the ODEFcn
and InitialValue
F = ode; F.ODEFcn = @(t,y) 2*t; F.InitialValue = 0;
Check which solver is selected for the problem, and then solve the equation over the time range [0 10]
ans = SolverID enumeration ode45
sol = solve(F,0,10)
sol = ODEResults with properties: Time: [0 0.2500 0.5000 0.7500 1 1.2500 1.5000 1.7500 2 2.2500 2.5000 2.7500 3 3.2500 3.5000 3.7500 4 4.2500 4.5000 4.7500 5 5.2500 5.5000 5.7500 6 6.2500 6.5000 6.7500 7 7.2500 7.5000 7.7500 8 8.2500 8.5000 8.7500 9 9.2500 9.5000 9.7500 10] Solution: [0 0.0625 0.2500 0.5625 1.0000 1.5625 2.2500 3.0625 4 5.0625 6.2500 7.5625 9 10.5625 12.2500 14.0625 16 18.0625 20.2500 22.5625 25 27.5625 30.2500 33.0625 36 39.0625 42.2500 45.5625 49 52.5625 56.2500 60.0625 64 68.0625 ... ] (1x41 double)
Plot the results.
Specify Jacobian Matrix for Stiff ODE
The Van der Pol oscillator equation is a second-order differential equation. The equation includes a parameter , and the equation becomes stiff when the value of is large.
Using the substitutions and produces a system of two first-order equations.
The Jacobian matrix for these equations is the matrix of partial derivatives of each equation with respect to both and .
Solve the Van der Pol oscillator using and initial values of [2; 0]
by creating an ode
object to represent the problem.
Store the value of in the
property.Specify the initial values in the
property.Specify the system of equations in the
property, specifying three input arguments so that the value for is passed to the function.Specify a function that calculates the Jacobian matrix in the
property, specifying three input arguments so that the value for is passed to the function.
F = ode; F.Parameters = 1000; F.InitialValue = [2; 0]; F.ODEFcn = @(t,y,p) [y(2); p(1)*(1-y(1)^2)*y(2)-y(1)]; F.Jacobian = @(t,y,p) [0 1; -2*p(1)*y(1)*y(2)-1 p(1)*(1-y(1)^2)];
Display the ode
object. The SelectedSolver
property shows that the ode15s
solver was automatically chosen for this problem.
F = ode with properties: Problem definition ODEFcn: @(t,y,p)[y(2);p(1)*(1-y(1)^2)*y(2)-y(1)] Parameters: 1000 InitialTime: 0 InitialValue: [2x1 double] Jacobian: [1x1 odeJacobian] EquationType: standard Solver properties AbsoluteTolerance: 1.0000e-06 RelativeTolerance: 1.0000e-03 Solver: auto SelectedSolver: ode15s Show all properties
Solve the system of equations over the time interval [0 3000]
by using the solve
method. Plot the first solution component.
S = solve(F,0,3000);
Detect Stiffness When Selecting ODE Solver
Create an ode
object for the van der Pol equations with mu = 1000
using the built-in function file vdp1000.m
. Specify the initial values of y'
and y''
as 2
and 0
, respectively.
F = ode(ODEFcn=@vdp1000,InitialValue=[2;0])
F = ode with properties: Problem definition ODEFcn: @vdp1000 InitialTime: 0 InitialValue: [2x1 double] EquationType: standard Solver properties AbsoluteTolerance: 1.0000e-06 RelativeTolerance: 1.0000e-03 Solver: auto SelectedSolver: ode45 Show all properties
The automatically selected solver is ode45
. Solve the ODE system over the time interval [0 3000]
. Measure the time the ode45
solver takes by using tic
and toc
tic sol45 = solve(F,0,3000); toc
Elapsed time is 10.623396 seconds.
Call the selectSolver
function with the DetectStiffness
name-value argument to choose a solver using a stiffness detection heuristic. Also specify the IntervalLength
name-value argument as 3000
F.Solver = selectSolver(F,DetectStiffness="on",IntervalLength=3000)
F = ode with properties: Problem definition ODEFcn: @vdp1000 InitialTime: 0 InitialValue: [2x1 double] Jacobian: [] EquationType: standard Solver properties AbsoluteTolerance: 1.0000e-06 RelativeTolerance: 1.0000e-03 Solver: ode15s Show all properties
The selected solver is now ode15s
. Solving the ODE system over the time interval [0 3000]
using the ode15s
solver is faster and more efficient than using the ode45
tic sol15s = solve(F,0,3000); toc
Elapsed time is 0.205550 seconds.
Solve System of DAEs with Mass Matrix
Consider this system of first-order equations.
The left side of the equations contain time derivatives, . However, because the derivative for does not appear in the system, the equations define a system of differential algebraic equations. Rewriting the system in the form shows a constant, singular mass matrix on the left side.
Solve the system of equations using the initial values [1 1 -2]
by creating an ode
object to represent the problem.
Specify the initial values in the
property.Specify the system of equations as an anonymous function in the
property.Use an
object to specify the constant, singular mass matrix in theMassMatrix
F = ode;
F.InitialValue = [1 1 -2];
F.ODEFcn = @(t,y) [y(1)*y(3)-y(2);
F.MassMatrix = odeMassMatrix(MassMatrix=[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 0],Singular="yes");
Display the ode object. The SelectedSolver
property shows that the ode15s
solver was automatically chosen for this problem.
F = ode with properties: Problem definition ODEFcn: @(t,y)[y(1)*y(3)-y(2);y(1)-1;y(1)+y(2)+y(3)] InitialTime: 0 InitialValue: [1 1 -2] Jacobian: [] MassMatrix: [1x1 odeMassMatrix] EquationType: standard Solver properties AbsoluteTolerance: 1.0000e-06 RelativeTolerance: 1.0000e-03 Solver: auto SelectedSolver: ode15s Show all properties
Solve the system of equations over the time interval [0 10]
by using the solve
method. Plot all three solution components.
S = solve(F,0,10); plot(S.Time,S.Solution,"-o") legend("y_1","y_2","y_3",Location="southeast")
Examine Parameter Sensitivity
Solve an ODE system with two equations and two parameters, and perform sensitivity analysis on the parameters.
Create an ode
object to represent this system of equations.
Specify the initial conditions as and , and parameter values of and . To enable sensitivity analysis of the parameters, set the Sensitivity
property of the ode
object to an odeSensitivity
p = [0.05 1.5]; F = ode(ODEFcn=@(t,y,p) [p(1)*y(1)-y(2); -p(2)*y(2)], ... InitialValue=[2 3], ... Parameters=p, ... Sensitivity=odeSensitivity)
F = ode with properties: Problem definition ODEFcn: @(t,y,p)[p(1)*y(1)-y(2);-p(2)*y(2)] Parameters: [0.0500 1.5000] InitialTime: 0 InitialValue: [2 3] Sensitivity: [1x1 odeSensitivity] EquationType: standard Solver properties AbsoluteTolerance: 1.0000e-06 RelativeTolerance: 1.0000e-03 Solver: auto SelectedSolver: cvodesnonstiff Show all properties
Because the equations are nonstiff and sensitivity analysis is enabled, the ode
object automatically chooses the cvodesnonstiff
solver for this problem.
Solve the ODE over the time interval [0 5]
, and plot the solution for each component.
S = solve(F,0,5)
S = ODEResults with properties: Time: [0 2.9540e-09 2.9543e-05 2.2465e-04 4.1976e-04 0.0024 0.0080 0.0137 0.0245 0.0353 0.0611 0.0869 0.1499 0.2129 0.3169 0.4208 0.5248 0.7204 0.9161 1.1118 1.3075 1.5031 1.6988 1.8945 2.0901 2.2858 2.4815 2.6772 2.8728 ... ] (1x40 double) Solution: [2x40 double] Sensitivity: [2x2x40 double]
plot(S.Time,S.Solution(1,:),"-o",S.Time,S.Solution(2,:),"-o") legend("y1","y2")
The values in S.Sensitivity
are partial derivatives of the equations with respect to the parameters. To examine the effects of the parameter values during the integration, plot the sensitivity values.
figure hold on plot(S.Time,squeeze(S.Sensitivity(1,1,:)),"-o") plot(S.Time,squeeze(S.Sensitivity(1,2,:)),"-o") plot(S.Time,squeeze(S.Sensitivity(2,1,:)),"-o") plot(S.Time,squeeze(S.Sensitivity(2,2,:)),"-o") legend("p1,eq1","p2,eq1","p1,eq2","p2,eq2") hold off
Use Callback Function to Restart Integration of Bouncing Ball
Consider a ball thrown upward with an initial velocity . The ball is subject to acceleration due to gravity aimed downward, so its acceleration is
Rewriting the equation as a first-order system of equations with the substitutions and yields
Solve the equations for the position and velocity of the ball over time.
Define Equations and Initial Conditions
Create a function handle for the first-order system of equations that accepts two inputs for (t,y)
. Use the value for the acceleration due to gravity.
dydt = @(t,y) [y(2); -9.8];
Next, create a vector with the initial conditions. The ball starts at position at as it is thrown upward with initial velocity .
y0 = [3 20];
Model Ball Bounces as Events
The ball initially travels upward until the force due to gravity causes it to change direction and head back down to the ground. If you solve the equations without more consideration, then the ball falls back downward forever without striking the ground. Instead, you can use an event function to detect when the position of the ball goes to zero where the ground is located. Because the solution component is the position of the ball, the event function tracks the value of so that an event triggers whenever .
Create a function handle for the event function that accepts two inputs for (t,y)
bounceEvent = @(t,y) y(1);
When the ball strikes the ground, its direction changes again as it heads back upwards with a new (smaller) initial velocity. To model this situation, use a callback function along with the event function. When an event triggers, the ODE solver invokes the callback function. The callback function resets the position and initial velocity of the ball so that the integration can restart with the correct initial conditions. When an event occurs, the callback function sets the position and attenuates the velocity by a factor of while reversing its direction back upward. Define a callback function that performs these actions.
function [stop,y] = bounceResponse(t,y) stop = false; y(1) = 0; y(2) = -0.9*y(2); end
(The callback function is included as a local function at the end of the example.)
Create an odeEvent
object to represent the bouncing ball events. Specify Direction="descending"
so that only events where the position is decreasing are detected. Also, specify Response="callback"
so that the solver invokes the callback function when an event occurs.
E = odeEvent(EventFcn=bounceEvent, ... Direction="descending", ... Response="callback", ... CallbackFcn=@bounceResponse)
E = odeEvent with properties: EventFcn: @(t,y)y(1) Direction: descending Response: callback CallbackFcn: @bounceResponse
Solve Equations
Create an ode
object for the problem, specifying the equations dydt
, initial conditions y0
, and events E
as property values.
F = ode(ODEFcn=dydt,InitialValue=y0,EventDefinition=E);
Integrate the equations over the time interval [0 30]
by using the solve
method. Specify Refine=8
to generate 8 points per step. The resulting object has properties for the time and solution, and because events are being tracked, the object also displays properties related to the events that triggered during the integration.
S = solve(F,0,30,Refine=8)
S = ODEResults with properties: Time: [0 0.0038 0.0075 0.0113 0.0151 0.0188 0.0226 0.0264 0.0301 0.0490 0.0678 0.0867 0.1055 0.1243 0.1432 0.1620 0.1809 0.2751 0.3692 0.4634 0.5576 0.6518 0.7460 0.8402 0.9344 1.3094 1.6844 2.0594 2.4344 2.8094 3.1844 ... ] (1x468 double) Solution: [2x468 double] EventTime: [4.2265 8.1607 11.7015 14.8882 17.7563 20.3375 22.6606 24.7514 26.6331 28.3267 29.8509] EventSolution: [2x11 double] EventIndex: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
Plot Results
Plot the position of the ball over time, marking the initial position with a green circle and events with red circles.
plot(S.Time,S.Solution(1,:),"--") hold on plot(S.EventTime,S.EventSolution(1,:),"ro") plot(0,y0(1),"go") hold off ylim([0 25]) xlabel("Time") ylabel("Position y_1")
Local Functions
function [stop,y] = bounceResponse(t,y) stop = false; y(1) = 0; y(2) = -0.9*y(2); end
Version History
Introduced in R2023bR2024b: Specify ODE as implicit
You can now specify the Solver
property as
for implicit ODEs. Alternatively, you can specify whether your
ODE is implicit by setting the new EquationType
property to
(default) or "fullyimplicit"
If you specify the Jacobian when EquationType
, the Jacobian must be a function handle or cell array.
Additionally, the ODEFcn
property can accept functions of the form
f = ODEFcn(t,y,yp)
for implicit ODEs.
R2024b: Detect stiffness to change ODE solver
You can specify parameters to change the solver after creating an ode
object by using the selectSolver
object function. For example, you can incorporate a stiffness
detection heuristic when selecting a solver by using the selectSolver
function with its DetectStiffness
name-value argument.
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