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Ordinary Differential Equations

Ordinary differential equation initial value problem solvers

The Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) solvers in MATLAB® solve initial value problems with a variety of properties. The solvers can work on stiff or nonstiff problems, problems with a mass matrix, differential algebraic equations (DAEs), or fully implicit problems. For more information, see Choose an ODE Solver.

Solve problems and set options using a visual interface with the Solve ODE Live Editor task.


odeOrdinary differential equations (Since R2023b)
odeMassMatrixODE mass matrix (Since R2023b)
odeJacobianODE Jacobian matrix (Since R2023b)
odeEventODE event definition (Since R2023b)
odeSensitivityODE sensitivity analysis (Since R2024a)
ODEResultsResults of ODE integration (Since R2023b)

Live Editor Tasks

Solve ODESolve system of ordinary differential equations in the Live Editor (Since R2024b)


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ode45Solve nonstiff differential equations — medium order method
ode23Solve nonstiff differential equations — low order method
ode78Solve nonstiff differential equations — high order method (Since R2021b)
ode89Solve nonstiff differential equations — high order method (Since R2021b)
ode113Solve nonstiff differential equations — variable order method
ode15sSolve stiff differential equations and DAEs — variable order method
ode23sSolve stiff differential equations — low order method
ode23tSolve moderately stiff ODEs and DAEs — trapezoidal rule
ode23tbSolve stiff differential equations — trapezoidal rule + backward differentiation formula
ode15iSolve fully implicit differential equations — variable order method
decicCompute consistent initial conditions for ode15i
odegetExtract ODE option values
odesetCreate or modify options structure for ODE and PDE solvers
devalEvaluate differential equation solution structure
odextendExtend solution to ODE


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