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Vibration Analysis

Order analysis, time-synchronous averaging, envelope spectra, modal analysis, rainflow counting

Signal Processing Toolbox™ provides functions that let you study and characterize vibrations in mechanical systems. Use order analysis to analyze and visualize spectral content occurring in rotating machinery. Track and extract orders and their time-domain waveforms. Estimate the average spectrum of a signal as a function of order. Perform experimental modal analysis by estimating frequency-response functions, natural frequencies, damping ratios, and mode shapes. Plot stabilization diagrams. Remove noise coherently with time-synchronous averaging and analyze wear using envelope spectra. Generate high-cycle rainflow counts for fatigue analysis.


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envspectrumEnvelope spectrum for machinery diagnosis
orderspectrumAverage spectrum versus order for vibration signal
ordertrackTrack and extract order magnitudes from vibration signal
orderwaveformExtract time-domain order waveforms from vibration signal
rpmfreqmapFrequency-RPM map for order analysis
rpmordermapOrder-RPM map for order analysis
rpmtrackTrack and extract RPM profile from vibration signal
tachorpmExtract RPM signal from tachometer pulses
tsaTime-synchronous signal average
modalfitModal parameters from frequency-response functions
modalfrfFrequency-response functions for modal analysis
modalsdGenerate stabilization diagram for modal analysis
rainflowRainflow counts for fatigue analysis


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