Teaching Physics with MATLAB - MATLAB
Video length is 39:28

Teaching Physics with MATLAB

In this webinar, you will learn how you and your students can benefit from incorporating computation based on MATLAB in your physics curriculum.  Webinar highlights include examples that demonstrate
- First-principles modeling
- Modeling paradigms
- Black box modeling

We will show that MATLAB enables your students to improve their conceptual understanding and build proficiency with computational tools by  

  • Performing interactive simulations
  • Solving problems numerically or analytically
  • Extracting, analyze, and visualize experimental data
  • Modeling and simulating phenomena to build intuition
  • Expressing and simulating equations to test hypotheses
  • Simulating analytical models to test predictions

In this webinar, you will also learn about MATLAB resources to use in developing your teaching Physics curriculum.

About the Presenter: 

Jerry Brusher is a Technical Evangelist with MathWorks. He has several years of teaching experience in the area of dynamic systems and controls, as well as nearly 20 years of computer-aided engineering experience in the automotive and aerospace industries. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and BS and MS degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, all in Mechanical Engineering.

Deepak Ramaswamy is a Technical Marketing Manager at MathWorks. Previous experience includes software development in financial derivatives, numerical computation of circuits, systems and finite element based models.  He holds a PhD from MIT and MBA from Cornell University.

Recorded: 21 Jun 2013

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