What’s New in MATLAB and Simulink R2022a - MATLAB
Video length is 18:04

What’s New in MATLAB and Simulink R2022a

Learn about new capabilities in MATLAB® and Simulink® to support your research, design, and development workflows. This talk highlights new tools for increasing productivity, such as interactive apps and Live Editor tasks in MATLAB for automating tasks and calculations without writing code, and new features in Simulink for running simulations in parallel. You’ll also see new capabilities for workflows involving other tools, languages, and technologies, including using Python® with MATLAB, and exporting content from Simulink as standalone functional mockup units (FMUs). Additionally, new capabilities for sharing your MATLAB code and Simulink models will be showcased, including publishing MATLAB functions as Docker container-based microservices and generating a configurable MATLAB UI from a Simulink model.

Published: 17 May 2022

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