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Cloud Center Release Notes

September 2024

Support for MATLAB R2024b

You can run MATLAB® R2024b on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for MATLAB.

Support for MATLAB Parallel Server with R2024b

You can run clusters with R2024b on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for Clusters.

July 2024

Functionality being removed or changed

Support for releases MATLAB R2022a and MATLAB R2021b will be removed in September 2024.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for MATLAB.

April 2024

Support for MATLAB R2024a

You can run MATLAB R2024a on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for MATLAB.

Support for MATLAB Parallel Server with R2024a

You can run clusters with R2024a on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for Clusters.

February 2024

Functionality being removed or changed

AWS® instance types cc2.8xlarge, cg1.4xlarge, g2.2xlarge, and g2.8xlarge are no longer available in most AWS regions, and their support will be removed from Cloud Center. If you are using any of these instance types in your Cloud Center cluster, configure your cluster using other supported instance types.

For a list of currently supported instance types, see Choose Supported EC2 Instance Machine Types.

September 2023

Support for MATLAB R2023b

You can run MATLAB R2023b on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for MATLAB.

Support for MATLAB Parallel Server with R2023b

You can run clusters with R2023b on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for Clusters.

April 2023

Support for MATLAB R2023a

You can run MATLAB R2023a on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for MATLAB.

March 2023

Support for MATLAB Parallel Server with R2023a

You can run clusters with R2023a on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for Clusters.

Support for new instance classes

  • Support for five new General Purpose instance classes: m6a, m6i, m6id, m6in, and m6idn.

  • Support for five new Compute Optimized instance classes: c6a, c6i, c6id, and c6in.

  • Support for a new Accelerated Computing (GPUs) instance classes: g5.

  • Support for five new Memory Optimized classes: r6a, r6i, r6id, r6in, and r6idn.

For more details on newly added compute optimized instances and regional availability, see Choose Supported EC2 Instance Machine Types.

October 2022

Support for MATLAB R2022b

You can run MATLAB R2022b on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for MATLAB.

September 2022

Support for MATLAB Parallel Server with R2022b

You can run clusters with R2022b on Cloud Center instances.

To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for Clusters.

April 2022

Run MATLAB in AWS Using Cloud Center

Now you can use Cloud Center to start MATLAB in Amazon® Web Services (AWS). You can start a single machine with MATLAB installed that you can access from a web browser or a remote desktop application. To get started, see Link Cloud Account to Cloud Center and Start MATLAB on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Using Cloud Center.

You can continue to use Cloud Center to start and manage MATLAB Parallel Server™ clusters that you can access from any MATLAB. To check supported releases, see Supported Releases for Clusters.

MATLAB shown running on a monitor and laptop screen.

September 2021

Support for MATLAB Release R2021b

You can run MATLAB R2021b on Cloud Center instances.

May 2021

  • Support for new instance classes

    • Support for six new General Purpose instance classes: m5a, m5ad, m5d, m5dn, m5n and m5zn.

    • Support for five new Compute Optimized instance classes: c5, c5a, c5ad, c5d, and c5n.

    • Support for two new Accelerated Computing (GPUs) instance classes: g4dn and p3dn.

    • Support for eight new Memory Optimized classes: r5, r5a, r5ad, r5b, r5d, r5dn, r5n, and x1e.


    c5d.xlarge is the new default headnode instance type and m5.8xlarge is the new default worker instance for clusters in a VPC.

    For more details on newly added compute optimized instances and regional availability, see Choose Supported EC2 Instance Machine Types.

March 2021

  • Support for MATLAB Release R2021a

    You can run MATLAB R2021a on Cloud Center instances.

  • MATLAB Worker Amazon Machine Images (AMI) now support Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

    All worker AMIs now include installations of Ubuntu 20.04.

  • MATLAB worker Amazon Machine Images (AMI) now support CUDA 11.0 and gcc/g++ 9.3

    All worker AMIs now include installations of CUDA Toolkit 11.0 and gcc/g++ 9.3. You can generate CUDA kernel objects from CU code or compile CUDA compatible source code, libraries, and executables using GPU Coder™ on GPU-enabled EC2 instances with supported GPU devices. For information on supported devices, see GPU Computing Requirements (Parallel Computing Toolbox). You can use MathWorks® products (such as MATLAB Coder™ or HDL Coder™) that require a gcc/g++ 9.3 or earlier compiler on MATLAB worker AMIs. For information on product requirements, see System Requirements and Supported Compilers.

September 2020

  • Support for MATLAB Release R2020b including one additional pretrained convolutional neural networks (CNN) for deep learning

    You can run MATLAB R2020b on Cloud Center instances, including support for one additional pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN) model: EfficientNet-b0. You can use this pretrained model for classification and transfer learning. You can access the model using the function efficientnetb0 (Deep Learning Toolbox). For details, see Parallel and Cloud (Deep Learning Toolbox) and Pretrained Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning Toolbox).

  • MATLAB worker Amazon Machine Images (AMI) now support CUDA 10.2 and gcc/g++ 6.5

    All worker AMIs now include installations of CUDA Toolkit 10.2 and gcc/g++ 6.5. You can generate CUDA kernel objects from CU code or compile CUDA compatible source code, libraries, and executables using GPU Coder on GPU-enabled EC2 instances with supported GPU devices. For information on supported devices, see GPU Computing Requirements (Parallel Computing Toolbox). You can use MathWorks products (such as MATLAB Coder or HDL Coder) that require a gcc/g++ 6.5 or earlier compiler on MATLAB worker AMIs. For information on product requirements, see System Requirements and Supported Compilers.

March 2020

Functionality being removed or changed

FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations

A Shareable Cluster no longer requires the “Shared With” white list (applies to all releases, except R2019b which still requires the “Shared With” white list).

Anyone with the cluster profile can access the shared cluster (except in R2019b, which still requires the "Shared With" white list).To restrict access with a "Shared With" white list, use R2019b only.An existing "Shared With" white list has no effect on cluster access in any version except R2019b and should not be used in any other release with the expectation that this list would restrict user access to a cluster.
You can no longer export personal cluster profiles.

For Personal clusters, the export cluster profile option is no longer available. Personal clusters were introduced in R2019b.

You can still export cluster profiles for any R2019b Shareable cluster and for any R2018a - R2019a cluster.

Cluster profiles for running personal clusters can be added to MATLAB via the Discover Clusters... option under the Parallel menu in MATLAB.

Cluster profiles are automatically added to MATLAB by creating a new personal clusters via the Create Cloud Cluster option on the Cluster Profile Manager in MATLAB. The Cluster Profile Manager is accessed via the Create and Manage Clusters... option under the Parallel menu in MATLAB


October 2019

  • Cluster Shared State

    The cluster attribute Shared State enables Cloud Center to authorize users to submit jobs to or interact with a cluster from MATLAB. The Shared State may be Personal Cluster (accessible only by you) or Shareable Cluster (accessible to people you have explicitly given access to via a white list). The default Shared State attribute of a cluster is Personal Cluster. This authorization control is unrelated to accessing the cluster via SSH.

    For Shareable Clusters, the person creating the cluster must expressly add authorized users to the Shared With field.


    Cloud Center clusters created for MATLAB releases prior to R2019b did not have clusters with the Shared State attribute. Those clusters are all implicitly shareable clusters, as any user who imports a cluster profile is authorized to submit jobs to or interact with the cluster from MATLAB. The inbound firewall rules for these clusters are managed only by Global Cluster Access rules.

    For more information, see Sharing Options for Clusters.

  • Auto-Manage Cluster Access

    The cluster attribute Auto-Manage Cluster Access allows Cloud Center to manage a cluster’s inbound firewall rules on a cluster-by-cluster basis. Auto-Manage Cluster Access is enabled by default for Personal Clusters.


    Clusters created prior to R2019b are Shareable Clusters, whose inbound firewall rules are managed only by Global Cluster Access rules.

    For more information, see Manage Cluster Access Automatically.

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2017b has been removed. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.ErrorsMATLAB versions R2019b, R2019a, R2018b, or R2018aAs newer versions of MATLAB become supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

June 2019

  • Support for MATLAB Release R2019a Update 3 including three additional pretrained convolutional neural networks (CNN) for deep learning

    • You can run MATLAB R2019a Update 3 on Cloud Center instances, including support for three additional pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) models: NASNet-Large, NASNet Mobile, and ShuffleNet. You can use these pretrained models for classification and transfer learning. You can access the models using the functions nasnetlarge (Deep Learning Toolbox), nasnetmobile (Deep Learning Toolbox), and shufflenet (Deep Learning Toolbox). For details, see Parallel and Cloud (Deep Learning Toolbox) and Pretrained Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning Toolbox).

  • MathWorks sign-on includes Cloud Center sign-on

    • Signing in to MathWorks simultaneously signs you in to Cloud Center using your MathWorks Account.

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2017a has been removed. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.ErrorsMATLAB versions R2019a, R2018b, R2018a, or R2017bAs newer versions of MATLAB become supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

March 2019

  • Support for MATLAB Release R2019a including pretrained convolutional neural networks (CNN) for deep learning

    • You can run MATLAB Release R2019a on Cloud Center instances, including support for pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN) models. These networks are now available on all instances for MATLAB Release R2019a: AlexNet, DenseNet-201, GoogLeNet (trained using ImageNet and Places365 data sets), Inception-ResNet-v2, Inception-v3, MobileNet-v2, ResNet-18, ResNet-50, Resnet-101, SqueezeNet, VGG-16, VGG-19, and Xception. You can access the models using the functions alexnet (Deep Learning Toolbox), densenet201 (Deep Learning Toolbox), googlenet (Deep Learning Toolbox), inceptionresnetv2 (Deep Learning Toolbox), inceptionv3 (Deep Learning Toolbox), mobilenetv2 (Deep Learning Toolbox), resnet18 (Deep Learning Toolbox), resnet50 (Deep Learning Toolbox), resnet101 (Deep Learning Toolbox), squeezenet (Deep Learning Toolbox), vgg16 (Deep Learning Toolbox), vgg19 (Deep Learning Toolbox), and xception (Deep Learning Toolbox). You can use these pretrained models for classification and transfer learning. For details, see Parallel and Cloud (Deep Learning Toolbox), and Pretrained Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning Toolbox).

  • Automatic Cluster Resizing: Resize Cloud Center clusters on Amazon based on usage

    • You can create cloud clusters using MATLAB Release R2019a that resize automatically based on usage. These clusters grow or shrink to allocate the optimal number of workers for your submitted tasks. For more information, see Resize Clusters Automatically.

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2017a will be removed in a future release. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.WarnsMATLAB versions R2019a, R2018b, R2018a, or R2017b.As newer versions of MATLAB are supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

January 2019

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2016b has been removed. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.ErrorsMATLAB versions R2018b, R2018a, R2017b, or R2017a.As newer versions of MATLAB are supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

December 2018

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for the Amazon EC2® Classic network type has been removed.ErrorsSet up a new cluster using the Amazon EC2 Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network type. Amazon Web Services withdrew support for the EC2 Classic network for new accounts in 2013. To continue using MATLAB with cloud resources, see Configure AWS VPC for Cloud Center.
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2016b will be removed in a future release. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.WarnsMATLAB versions R2018b, R2018a, R2017b, or R2017a.As newer versions of MATLAB are supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

October 2018

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for the Amazon EC2 Classic network type will be removed in a future release.WarnsSet up a new cluster using the Amazon EC2 Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network type. Amazon Web Services withdrew support for the EC2 Classic network for new accounts in 2013. To continue using MATLAB with cloud resources, see Configure AWS VPC for Cloud Center.
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2016b will be removed in a future release. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.WarnsMATLAB versions R2018b, R2018a, R2017b, or R2017a.As newer versions of MATLAB are supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

September 2018

  • Support for MATLAB Release R2018b including pretrained convolutional neural networks (CNN) for deep learning

    • You can run MATLAB Release R2018b on Cloud Center instances, including support for pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN) models. These networks are now available on all instances for MATLAB Release R2018b: AlexNet, DenseNet-201, GoogLeNet, Inception-ResNet-v2, Inception-v3, ResNet-18, ResNet-50, Resnet-101, SqueezeNet, VGG-16, and VGG-19. You can access the models using the functions alexnet (Deep Learning Toolbox), densenet201 (Deep Learning Toolbox), googlenet (Deep Learning Toolbox), inceptionresnetv2 (Deep Learning Toolbox), inceptionv3 (Deep Learning Toolbox), resnet18 (Deep Learning Toolbox), resnet50 (Deep Learning Toolbox), resnet101 (Deep Learning Toolbox), squeezenet (Deep Learning Toolbox), vgg16 (Deep Learning Toolbox), and vgg19 (Deep Learning Toolbox). You can use these pretrained models for classification and transfer learning. For details, see Parallel and Cloud (Deep Learning Toolbox), and Pretrained Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning Toolbox).

  • MATLAB worker Amazon Machine Images (AMI) now support CUDA 9.0

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2016b will be removed in a future release. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.WarnsMATLAB versions R2018b, R2018a, R2017b, or R2017a.As newer versions of MATLAB are supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

August 2018

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2016a has been removed. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.ErrorsMATLAB versions R2018a, R2017b, R2017a, or R2016b.As newer versions of MATLAB are supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

April 2018

  • Create clusters in dedicated headnode mode

    • Starting this release, you can create clusters in dedicated headnode mode. When enabled, the headnode instance exclusively runs management services, such as the job manager, and does not host any MATLAB workers. This cluster architecture improves performance. For details, see Use a Dedicated Headnode Instance for Management Services.

  • Increased maximum number of workers to 1024

    • You can now create up to 1024 worker machines in VPC networks for MATLAB R2018a onwards.

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2016a will be removed in a future release. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.WarnsMATLAB versions R2018a, R2017b, R2017a, or R2016b.As newer versions of MATLAB are supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

March 2018

  • Support for MATLAB Release R2018a including pretrained convolutional neural networks (CNN) for deep learning

    • You can run MATLAB Release R2018a on Cloud Center instances, including support for pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN) models. These networks are now available on all instances for MATLAB Release R2018a: AlexNet, VGG-16, VGG-19, GoogLeNet, ResNet-50, and ResNet-101. You can access the models using the functions alexnet (Deep Learning Toolbox), vgg16 (Deep Learning Toolbox), vgg19 (Deep Learning Toolbox), googlenet (Deep Learning Toolbox), resnet50 (Deep Learning Toolbox), and resnet101 (Deep Learning Toolbox). You can use these pretrained models for classification and transfer learning. For details, see Parallel and Cloud (Deep Learning Toolbox), and Pretrained Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning Toolbox).

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2016a will be removed in a future release. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.WarnsMATLAB versions R2018a, R2017b, R2017a, or R2016b.As newer versions of MATLAB are supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.

February 2018

  • Functionality being removed or changed

    FunctionalityResultUse InsteadCompatibility Considerations
    Cloud Center support for running MATLAB version R2016a will be removed in a future release. For more information on the migration policy, see Requirements for Using Cloud Center.WarnsMigrate to MATLAB versions R2017b, R2017a, or R2016b.As newer versions of MATLAB are supported, the support for older versions will be removed in future releases.
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