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Have End Users Install Products


If you arrived at this topic because of the error "Network License File Required" and you have already linked the network license to your MathWorks® Account, contact your administrator to get a copy of the network license file, and then return to the installer.


These instructions are to help the user on the network license install on their own machine. If you are an administrator installing software for your end users, see Install Products on Client Machines. Otherwise, see instructions below for giving your users the items they need to install successfully.

License Requirements

All network license users must have a configured copy of the network license (license.dat) on their machine or accessible from a network share before they can install products.

  • Administrators – Before your network users install MATLAB®, give them a copy of license.dat from the network license manager. This network license file was processed during the installation of the network license manager for your organization, meaning it contains the correct SERVER line for the network license server you are using. To learn more about how the network license is processed during installation, see License Processing.

    Do not give users a copy of the original license file you received in the licensing email. They cannot use the licensing information in this form — it does not include the correct SERVER line. Also, do not forward to users the licensing email you received from MathWorks.

  • MATLAB Users – You must get a copy of license.dat from your license or network administrator before you can install MathWorks products.

If you are using a trial license, go to

Select a Procedure

Consult the following table to determine which procedure to use.

ScenarioProcedure to follow

You plan to update and upgrade MATLAB releases yourself.

Option #1: Link Network License to Your MathWorks Account

You are asked to perform this installation only one time and do not expect to be installing updates and upgrades yourself. If your computer is offline, you must use this option.

Option #2: Use License File and File Installation Key to Install

Multiple Releases

You can install multiple releases on the same machine. For example, you can have both R2022a and R2022b, or R2022b and R2023a.

Option #1: Link Network License to Your MathWorks Account

If your computer is offline, you must follow the workflow in Option #2.

To link your network license:

  1. Contact your administrator to get the network license number you should use.

  2. To link the license to your MathWorks Account, follow the instructions in Link an additional license (you may have to sign in first).

    If you do not have a MathWorks Account, you can create one at the linked page.

  3. Get a copy of your organization's network license file from your administrator and copy this license file to the machine where you are planning to install.

If you select this option, you can follow the online installation procedure as documented in Download and Install MATLAB with the following difference:

During the online installation, when prompted, specify the network license linked to your account. The installer recognizes it as a network license and prompts you for the license file. Enter the path to the license file and click Next to continue installing.

Option #2: Use License File and File Installation Key to Install

For this workflow, your computer can be connected to the Internet or offline. If your machine is offline, you must use this workflow.

  1. Contact your administrator to get a copy of the network license file (see License Requirements) and a file installation key (FIK).

  2. Copy the network license file and FIK to the machine where you are planning to install MATLAB.

  3. Follow the procedures in Download Products Without Installing and Install MathWorks Products on Offline Computer. If your administrator downloaded the installer, ask them to give you access to the files.

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