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Generic Geometric Transformations

Perform generic geometric transformations using the imwarp workflow

Geometric transformations map pixel coordinates in the output image to coordinates in the input image. The mapping process then interpolates the value of output pixels from the input image.

Use these functions to perform general 2-D, 3-D, and N-D geometric transformations. To perform a 2-D or 3-D geometric transformation, first create a geometric transformation object that stores information about the transformation. Then, pass the image to be transformed and the geometric transformation object to the imwarp function.


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fitgeotform2dFit 2-D geometric transformation to control point pairs (Since R2022b)
affinetform2d2-D affine geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
affinetform3d3-D affine geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
rigidtform2d2-D rigid geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
rigidtform3d3-D rigid geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
simtform2d2-D similarity geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
simtform3d3-D similarity geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
transltform2d2-D translation geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
transltform3d3-D translation geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
projtform2d2-D projective geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
geometricTransform2d2-D geometric transformation object
geometricTransform3d3-D geometric transformation object
PiecewiseLinearTransformation2D2-D piecewise linear geometric transformation
PolynomialTransformation2D2-D polynomial geometric transformation
LocalWeightedMeanTransformation2D2-D local weighted mean geometric transformation
imwarpApply geometric transformation to image
transformPointsForwardApply forward geometric transformation
transformPointsInverseApply inverse geometric transformation
WarperApply same geometric transformation to many images efficiently
tformarrayApply spatial transformation to N-D array
findboundsFind output bounds for spatial transformation
fliptformFlip input and output roles of spatial transformation structure
makeresamplerCreate resampling structure
maketformCreate N-D spatial transformation structure (TFORM)
tformfwdApply forward N-D spatial transformation
tforminvApply inverse N-D spatial transformation
imref2dReference 2-D image to world coordinates
imref3dReference 3-D image to world coordinates
affineOutputViewCreate output view for warping images


Geometric Transformation

Spatial Referencing

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