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Efectos mixtos

Modelos de efectos mixtos lineales generalizados

Un modelo de efectos mixtos lineales generalizados (GLME) incluye efectos fijos y aleatorios en el modelado de una variable de respuesta. Este tipo de modelo puede explicar las tendencias globales y locales en un conjunto de datos incluyendo los efectos aleatorios de una variable de agrupación. Los modelos GLME son una generalización de Linear Mixed-Effects Models (LME) para datos donde la variable de respuesta no se distribuye de manera normal. Cree un objeto GeneralizedLinearMixedModel usando fitglme.


GeneralizedLinearMixedModelGeneralized linear mixed-effects model class


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fitglmeFit generalized linear mixed-effects model
refit Refit generalized linear mixed-effects model
predictPredict response of generalized linear mixed-effects model
randomGenerate random responses from fitted generalized linear mixed-effects model
fittedFitted responses from generalized linear mixed-effects model
fixedEffectsEstimates of fixed effects and related statistics
randomEffectsEstimates of random effects and related statistics
anovaAnalysis of variance for generalized linear mixed-effects model
coefCIConfidence intervals for coefficients of generalized linear mixed-effects model
coefTestHypothesis test on fixed and random effects of generalized linear mixed-effects model
compareCompare generalized linear mixed-effects models
covarianceParametersExtract covariance parameters of generalized linear mixed-effects model
designMatrixFixed- and random-effects design matrices
partialDependenceCompute partial dependence (desde R2020b)
residualsResiduals of fitted generalized linear mixed-effects model
responseResponse vector of generalized linear mixed-effects model
plotPartialDependenceCreate partial dependence plot (PDP) and individual conditional expectation (ICE) plots
plotResidualsPlot residuals of generalized linear mixed-effects model


  • Fit a Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Model

    Fit a generalized linear mixed-effects model (GLME) to sample data.

  • Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Models

    Generalized linear mixed-effects (GLME) models describe the relationship between a response variable and independent variables using coefficients that can vary with respect to one or more grouping variables, for data with a response variable distribution other than normal.

  • Wilkinson Notation

    Wilkinson notation provides a way to describe regression and repeated measures models without specifying coefficient values.