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Collision Detection

Collision geometry meshes, collision avoidance and clearance

Collision geometries define the physical space occupied by robots and their environments. To represent robot parts or obstacles in the environment, create collision objects like boxes, cylinders, spheres, or custom meshes. Use checkCollision to determine if different parts of a manipulator arm collide with each other (self-collisions) or with obstacles in the world while executing trajectories. The function also gives obstacle clearance to anticipate and avoid collisions.


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capsuleApproximationApproximate collision geometries of rigid body tree with capsules (Since R2022b)
checkCollisionCheck if robot is in collision (Since R2020b)
addCollisionAdd collision geometry to rigid body (Since R2020b)
clearCollisionClear all attached collision geometries (Since R2020b)
checkCollisionCheck if two geometries are in collision
collisionBoxCreate box collision geometry
collisionCapsuleCapsule primitive collision geometry (Since R2022b)
collisionCylinderCreate collision cylinder geometry
collisionMeshCreate convex mesh collision geometry
collisionSphereCreate sphere collision geometry
geom2structConvert collision geometry objects to structure array (Since R2024a)
collisionVHACDDecompose mesh into convex collision meshes using V-HACD (Since R2023b)
showCollisionArrayShow array of collision objects in figure (Since R2023b)

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