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3-D Volumetric Image Processing

Filter, segment, and perform other image processing operations on 3-D volumetric data

Perform pixel operations, local filtering, morphology, and other image processing, on 3-D data sets.


Volume ViewerView volumetric data and labeled volumetric data
Volume SegmenterSegment 3-D grayscale or RGB volumetric images (Since R2020b)


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volshowDisplay volume
sliceViewerBrowse image slices
orthosliceViewerBrowse orthogonal slices in grayscale or RGB volume
obliquesliceExtract oblique slice from 3-D volumetric data (Since R2020a)
viewer3dCreate viewer for 3-D image display (Since R2022b)
SurfaceDisplay surface in 3-D viewer (Since R2022b)
LightLight source (Since R2023b)
PointPoint annotation (Since R2024a)
LineLine annotation (Since R2024a)
adaptthreshAdaptive image threshold using local first-order statistics
blockedImageBig or multiresolution image made from discrete blocks (Since R2021a)
dicomreadRead DICOM image
dicomreadVolumeCreate 4-D volume from set of DICOM images
dicomContoursExtract ROI data from DICOM-RT structure set (Since R2020a)
imbinarizeBinarize 2-D grayscale image or 3-D volume by thresholding
niftiinfoRead metadata from NIfTI file
niftiwriteWrite volume to file using NIfTI format
niftireadRead NIfTI image
tiffreadVolumeRead volume or time series image stack from TIFF file (Since R2020b)
imabsdiffAbsolute difference of two images
imaddAdd two images or add constant to image
imdivideDivide one image into another or divide image by constant
immultiplyMultiply two images or multiply image by constant
imsubtractSubtract one image from another or subtract constant from image
affineOutputViewCreate output view for warping images
affinetform3d3-D affine geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
imcrop3Crop 3-D image
imref3dReference 3-D image to world coordinates
imregisterIntensity-based image registration
imregdemonsEstimate displacement field that aligns two 2-D or 3-D images
imresize3Resize 3-D volumetric intensity image
imrotate3Rotate 3-D volumetric grayscale image
imwarpApply geometric transformation to image
rigidtform3d3-D rigid geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
simtform3d3-D similarity geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
transltform3d3-D translation geometric transformation (Since R2022b)
transformPointsForwardApply forward geometric transformation
transformPointsInverseApply inverse geometric transformation
fibermetricEnhance elongated or tubular structures in image using Frangi vesselness filter
fspecial3Create predefined 3-D filter
histeqEnhance contrast using histogram equalization
imadjustnAdjust intensity values in N-D volumetric image
imboxfilt33-D box filtering of 3-D images
imfilterN-D filtering of multidimensional images
imgaussfilt33-D Gaussian filtering of 3-D images
imhistmatchnAdjust histogram of N-D image to match histogram of reference image
imnoiseAdd noise to image
integralBoxFilter33-D box filtering of 3-D integral images
integralImage3Calculate 3-D integral image
medfilt33-D median filtering
bwareaopenRemove small objects from binary image
bwconncompFind and count connected components in binary image
bwmorph3Morphological operations on binary volume
bwskelReduce all objects to lines in 2-D binary image or 3-D binary volume
imbothatBottom-hat filtering
imcloseMorphologically close image
imdilateDilate image
imerodeErode image
imopenMorphologically open image
imreconstructMorphological reconstruction
imregionalmaxRegional maxima
imregionalminRegional minima
imtophatTop-hat filtering
offsetstrelMorphological offset structuring element
strelMorphological structuring element
watershedWatershed transform
activecontourSegment image into foreground and background using active contours (snakes) region growing technique
bfscoreContour matching score for image segmentation
diceSørensen-Dice similarity coefficient for image segmentation
gradientweightCalculate weights for image pixels based on image gradient
graydiffweightCalculate weights for image pixels based on grayscale intensity difference
imsegfmmBinary image segmentation using fast marching method
imsegkmeans3K-means clustering based volume segmentation
jaccardJaccard similarity coefficient for image segmentation
superpixels33-D superpixel oversegmentation of 3-D image
bwselect3Select objects in binary volume
edge3Find edges in 3-D grayscale volume
imgradient3Find gradient magnitude and direction of 3-D image
imgradientxyzFind directional gradients of 3-D image
imhistHistogram of image data
regionprops3Measure properties of 3-D volumetric image regions
blockedImageDatastoreDatastore for use with blocks from blockedImage objects (Since R2021a)
centerCropWindow3dCreate cuboidal center cropping window
randomCropWindow3dCreate randomized cuboidal cropping window
randomAffine3dCreate randomized 3-D affine transformation
randomPatchExtractionDatastoreDatastore for extracting random 2-D or 3-D random patches from images or pixel label images


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